A safe and secure office with the best security systems
- Intelligent video surveillance systems for security and personnel control;
- Biometric access control systems with remote configuration;
- Security alarm systems with personalized access and scenarios;

Personnel working in offices need to be sure of their own safety while working. To provide protection against intruders, theft in the workplace and other mishaps, you can order the installation of an integrated security system.
It includes many devices, but most often CCTV cameras are required. So management can make sure the office is secure at any time of day by running a broadcast on their phone. Cameras can be installed indoors or outdoors, in front of the office entrance.
Offices whose work involves receiving people are in dire need of a comprehensive security system. Only with its help you can be sure that there is no intruder in the room. During especially busy working hours you can switch on the broadcast to make sure that your colleagues are safe.
If you are just starting to design a security system, we can design a comprehensive system. It will consist of a list of equipment, places to install each device. When the conditions are agreed upon, we will install the system on a turnkey basis, and you can put aside the worries about intruders entering the premises.
Having a security system in the office will help:
- make sure that each employee performs his or her tasks;
- increase productivity by paying attention to prolonged interruptions;
- take action in the event of an emergency;
- avoid theft;
- monitor the actions of visitors.

Cameras in the office are an extremely important part of proper workflow. You will know that employees show up to work at the right time and are not dealing with personal issues.
If the video surveillance system is installed in front of the office entrance, the recording can be triggered by movement. That way, only those minutes when someone is near the room will end up on the cloud storage.
You can order the installation of cameras on the street side. They will be aimed at the area near the windows and other areas where intruders can enter the premises.
You can use a fire alarm to know if there is smoke in the premises. A notification will appear on your smartphone screen and you can take immediate action. A similar system will also notify you if someone is smoking indoors.
To stay safe and make sure that employees are not disregarding the rules, you can turn on the broadcast when the system is triggered. If an intruder appears in the office after closing time, a notification will also appear on your phone.
To stay aware of what's happening on the office premises at all times, you need to make sure that all systems are working smoothly. This requires regular diagnostics and maintenance of the devices.
A video intercom can be installed near the entrance to the office. When there should not be many customers in the room at the same time, a new visitor can call and arrange the time of his visit.
When someone wants to enter the premises after closing time, the video intercom camera will also be triggered. You will answer the call from anywhere in the city and invite the guest to come in during business hours. But if the visitor does not want to leave the office territory, you will know about it and take measures, informing the security service or coming personally.
Comprehensive security solutions for offices and administrative facilities of any size. Equipment selection, design, installation, maintenance