We will always help - on time and quickly!
- Direct connection to the largest equipment manufacturers
- Fast service, warranty and post-warranty service
- Hundreds of videos with answers to basic questions on setting up any security equipment

Important information and technical support contacts
Technical support is provided exclusively to customers who have purchased equipment from Pipl.ua. When contacting, it is important to specify the phone number on which the order was placed.
Note: The processing time of your request directly depends on the correct formulation of the problem and loading of the technician!
Important: Before contacting us, please read the user manual, which is supplied with the equipment or video instructions on our Youtube channel (go to YouTube).
To contact technical support please call us by phone, contact Telegram bot or e-mail:
Technical support is available Monday through Friday
From 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Technical Support provides:
Technical Support provides:
- Advice on installing and setting up the equipment, provided the device is connected according to the operating and installation instructions;
- Instructions for equipment operation in the form of technical bulletins based on the official user manual;
- Recommendations on typical problems that arise during setup.
Technical support will not be able to help:
- Setting up and diagnostics of equipment with the help of remote access programs (Teamviewer, AmmyAdmin) or others;
- Consulting on equipment that was purchased or imported into Ukraine in an unofficial way, or was purchased in foreign online stores, such as AliExpress;
- Remote configuration of the equipment configuration on the Web-interface;
- Consultations on the equipment of producers, whose products are not represented in the online store Viatec.cz